Building the kitchen

April 16, 2019

I decided to split my kitchen into two parts. A bigger, permanent countertop with the sink next to the shower and a smaller, foldable countertop for the electric cooker right next to the door. The later would allow me to open the door while cooking to prevent my van smelling like a deep fryer.

Building the permanent countertop

I built the countertops out of the same oak wood that I used for the table in the seating area.

Countertop with the cutout for the sink

Instead of simply covering the frame of the shower cabin with plywood, I built a shelf integrated into the wall. No waste of space in my little van! :wink:

Shelf integrated into the wall of the shower cabin

Building the foldable cooking area

I build a similar shelf above the foldable table in the cooking area.

Shelf above the table in the cooking area

The shelf also serves as a holder. It prevents the cooker from sliding sideways when the table is folded.

Shelf serving as a holder for the cooker

The unfolded table offers enough space to prepare a delicious meal.

Unfolded table in the cooking area

Getting there…

I haven’t finished all the ideas in my head, but the kitchen is already usable. :clap:

Unfolded table in the cooking area

I’m quite happy with the outcome so far. I’ll probably build a few more cupboards below (and maybe above) the tables to store my kitchen utensils. I’m looking forward to the final result!