Today marked the 365th day living in my van. I left Berlin one year ago. On my anniversary, I coincidentally passed Freiburg, Germany. I was born and raised in Freiburg. As fate willed, my trip through Europe and Africa led me to the place of my birth.
My unplanned way back to Germany
When I left Costa del Sol almost two months ago, I drove through the Sierra Nevada to Madrid where I wanted to spend a couple of months with the people I met last year.
My plans totally changed during a short business trip by plane to Amsterdam: I spotted an old Mercedes 508D that was for sale. It was a former ambulance of the Dutch army. The perfect vehicle for a conversion into a camper van. I fell in love with the van and arranged a preliminary deal with the current owner.
With a heavy heart I left Madrid a week ago to drive back to Germany where I will sell my 209D, try to import and register the 508D and see my family and friends again.
Headed to Germany, I met Robert and his dog Wilma in France again. For about a week we drove together through France and enjoyed the green nature in the French countryside.
Exploring my roots
After one year, it felt strange to drive on German roads again. Additionally, I saw myself driving towards the city were I was born. I haven’t been to Freiburg for about 20 years. Although I had a tight schedule, I decided to spent my anniversary exploring remarkable places of my childhood.
I parked my van in front of the primary school where I learned how to read and write. I walked my former way to school and ended up at the dormitory where my parents used live when I was born. I recognized all the shops, trees and playgrounds and of course the big apartment building where we used to live.
I sneaked into the building and walked around. Everything looked familiar. I even recognized the smell of the elevator. When I reached the fourth floor, I knocked on the door of our former apartment. A friendly student opened the door. I told him that I accidentally drove by and used to live in the apartment with my family years ago. He invited me to enter. All of a sudden, I stood in the room where I used to play with toy blocks more than 30 years ago. I further strolled around my old neighborhood until I parked my van near a little lake where we used to go swimming every summer.
Wow. I made a little journey across time back to my childhood. What an impressive day!